
What industries are more promising on basic and scientific points of view??
1. Bio-technology
New possibilities for step-by-step regulation of processes for cells growing and development have appeared. For correction of cells growing processes the remedies of gene's therapy, containing chemical compounds of selective effect activating or deactivating simultaneously genes and their groups in big number of cells, were begun to apply for the first time. In such a way, a controlled step-by-step fulfillment of the stated program of growing and cellular tissue or the whole organ was performed. Cultivation of artificial organs out of the human body was a good ground on which the technologies of stepwise regulation of the processes of growing and development for the biological matter by remedies of gene's therapy were developed.
Knowledge received as a result of mutual work of scientists and enthusiasts from many countries of the world was impudently used in military laboratories for perfecting the genetic weapons. Elaboration of "genetic bullets" was a back side of perfection process of gene's therapy products. It was always easier to disable and destroyed the human body than to create and bring it through. The developed genetic weapon opened the perspectives for domination on the whole Earth, besides it cost less than development of perfected products of genetic regulation for medical purposes. Because of this, work at elaboration of genetic weapons was permanently carried out in military offices using the best facilities not saving money on this, in tens of world countries. Besides the number of existing ways of making the human being dead, added tens of new, insidious and choice ones. Genetic weapon, able to influence the different levels of biological matter organization and also to disable the cells, tissues and human organs and to destroy any animal and vegetable organisms, became a reality. Its application was impeded and even prohibited by existing conventions, international agreements and contracts, which also concerned the other kinds of massive weapons. But risk of world catastrophe, as a consequence of this fact of such weapon existing, has multiple increased. Free movement of gene's therapy products plus professional knowledge of unconscionable scientists could give birth to makeshift means of genetic humiliation and extermination of human being. At the end of the decade the first cases of acts of terrorism using the "genetic bullets" and other kinds of genetic weapons were stated. Special services of the leading countries of the world and power transnational companies could use individually developed "genetic poisons" able to kill selectively the definite person, turn him to disable person or a mad one.
The cases of ruffian appliance of self-made chemical compounds, negatively influenced on genes of the human body, became more frequent. Primarily not being aiming at people killing that phenomenon was just the same that creation of computer viruses, synthesis of makeshift explosive devices, etc., but application of such chemical compounds led to people death more frequently. Access to up-to-date knowledge and technologies together with peculiarities of human psychics and in accordance with theory of chances postulates gave birth to horrible technological chimeras which were death dangerous for mankind, but satisfying the complacent ambitions of unrecognized "genies".
Practice of preventive cultivation of the most important organs and tissues in case of their damaging in extreme situations, became ordinary for top-echelon representatives and also for not big special offices, performing special missions, by which the risk of death damaging of the organism was very high. Considerable expenses for such purposes could allow only the economically developed and reach countries or international organizations, in particular such an approach was realized by United Nations for protection from acts of terrorism the statesmen and also the soldiers by providing the peacemaking missions.
The industrial selective technologies based on application of specific protein molecules (antibodies) gained wide expansion in the whole world. In such technologies selectivity principle, specific to complicated biological objects which determined selective immune response of the organism by penetration in it foreign substance, was effectively used. Antibodies produced by the organism for joining definite chemical compound, in theory could joint selectively the molecules of any substances and to do this the more effectively, the more complicated structure those substances had.
In practice, for creation of specific antibodies first a computer model of interaction this chemical compound and the models of protein molecules from existing database was developed for definite chemical compound. After preliminary variant choosing, some fitted molecular-applicants for antibody role were chosen after which it was a stage of chemical structure optimization of these protein molecules. The fact that all computative and analytical processes were carried out on the computer models but not on material objects, should not be forgotten. Power computer accompaniment made it possible to work with tens millions of variants of possible structuring for protein molecular and to choose the most optimal of them though all that process required very much time.
Works of creation the specific antibodies to different chemical compounds definitely functioning in animal or human body were parallel carrying out. By this the natural programs of creation the specific antibodies, created and developed in the process of evolution, were involved. The received results surely were reflected in the form of computer model and were accurately analyzed and detailed.
Both stated ways supplemented each other which promoted receiving quick and qualitative results. After the sought-for structural formula of protein molecule was defined, the gene engineers came to the matter with their specific methods. The ultimate purpose of their work was creation of nucleotides sequence coding the synthesis of given protein or, in another words, genes' groups able to produce the needed protein. Optimization of initial genes' group by methods of gene's engineering allowed gaining the desired results and ultimately synthesizing this protein molecule, which structure was defined in the process of computer modeling, as being the most optimal. Hereinafter mass quantity of specific protein molecules were produced by means of synthesis of protein in cells cultures.
Selective technologies were applied firstly for extraction of rare or expensive chemical compounds out of solutions of small concentration and polluted solutions of different origin. In medical sphere and pharmacy they were applied for the purpose of qualitative purification of biological solutions both in laboratory conditions and being a part of alive organisms that was a perspective innovation. One more sphere of appliance was extraction out of natural and artificial solutions of considerable quantities of chemical compounds of mass application.
Cost price for extraction of big quantities of useful substances, specific durable proteins able to regenerate their properties, were constructed. As a rule, the protein molecules were chemically mounted to inert ceramic substrate, performing constructional and protective functions.
Attention was paid by the scientists to studying the evolutionary developments of the Nature. In such a way, studying sea organisms, concentrated in themselves the separate chemical elements and compounds, made possible to decode the structure of some proteins selectively joint with these or those components, dissolved in sea water. Optimization of computer models and construction of optimal consequences of nucleotides has led to producing the artificial microorganisms, producing industrial quantities of protein molecules able to join selectively some useful components from water solutions. The first candidates to being extracted from sea water were noble and rare-earth metals. Possibility of production of radioactive elements out of natural and technological water solutions for using them in energetic and military installations was of interest. This task could hardly be realized in practice. High radioactivity reduced the effectiveness of functioning the protein molecules and led to their quick destruction owing to intense radiochemical effect on atoms of compounding elements. Application of protein molecules for enrichment and concentration of radioactive elements required producing additional repair and life-support systems of these protein molecules.
Performing of new additional functions required transition on the next level of complexity, namely the level of the simplest organism which combined in itself the technological and supporting its own existence activities.
It seemed that with the help of selective technologies it would become possible to extract from not aggressive solutions of any substances, soon. But still such alluring result would be the business of tomorrow. Reality of today was constructing protein molecules with set properties for which the scientific technological preconditions existed. Difficulties began at interdependence of nucleotides consequences which coded the synthesis of complicated protein molecules because of insufficiency of data about interactions of "gene - protein" type to operate certainly with such built blocks, as genes. That's why by constructing protein molecules of selective effect, the decoded natural nucleotides consequences coding the close analogues of constructing molecules, were taken as the basis.
Efflorescence of biochemistry, cytology, gene's engineering, catalytic chemistry and other sciences based on appliance of substances properties was predetermined by good possibilities of computer modeling, based on powerful computers and perfected software. As a nearest perspective the new integral technology, namely computer constructing of substance with set properties, was seen. The notion "substance" was to be understood both inorganic compounds and objects of organic chemistry inclusive complex and hypercomplex compounds, participating in biochemical reactions of alive organisms. The main task of such integral technology was improvement and optimization of chemical processes, production of new improved substances and reactions by means of maximal application of substance properties. Development of new chemical compounds and reactions in virtual sphere allowed to get along without hundred millions of nature experiments, saving by this the resources and time of the whole Earth, reducing the terms required for creation these or those material comforts.
The task of complete computer model development for human living cell was the most difficult among tasks, which there was necessary for humanity to solve during the whole history of scientific researches. The perfect knowledge (truth) about principles and mechanisms for human living cell functioning and organization gave for humanity the real instruments for the universe rearrangement. The complete computer model of human organism cell includes a huge evolution potential and predetermined the prospects for computer model development of higher order – the level of functioning tissues, organs and organism in the whole. The understanding of cell model evolution laws gave the possibility to work off preventively not for a while yet theoretical conception about optimization, human living cell improving, and in especial cases to design the elements for tissues optimization of functional systems and the organism in the whole.
Already the first results of metabolic reactions study for intracellular metabolism products led the researchers to conclusions about bad compatibility of coterminous in a cell substances and reactions, that made worse cell functioning in process of it's vital functions. That's why the questions of optimization for metabolic reactions and designing of improved functional intracellular components promised to become extremely in current importance in the near future.
The beginning of the decade was marked by considerable growth of applied researches by crops optimization, were being important for man. The "computer selections' " approaches, based on complete information about agricultural plants genetic texts made possible to create computer optimized genomes with high degree of accuracy. The examination of designed computer genomes occasionally at practice took more time then the processes of their optimization and designing. The terms of plant cultivation were altogether some months, and this allowed to eliminate very quickly the incorrect perilous variants and to concentrate efforts on perspective models. Even the first practical results were stunning. Twofold increase of crop yield, received due to plants genome improving by the natural genes of closely related plants by means of gene engineering approaches, became real revolution in agriculture. If add hereto such qualities of optimized plants as steadiness to negative weather factors and to agricultural pests, and also self-sustainability in mineral fertilizers supply, then become apparent, that initiate processes may lead in the near future to serious social consequences across the globe. One of these consequences, as thought, may be the economical specialization and fully formed economy structure change of many third world countries, the plant products exporters.
By the end of decade new optimized plants varieties, which have unique features, fell down as from cornucopia. The plants as experimental subject proved to be the auspicious material for realization of the very audacious intentions of scientists. The "computer selection" process for new varieties took one-two weeks of work in simple cases, and it was required some months in complex cases. The optimized genome assembly for experimental plant in laboratory environment took approximately the same time. The growing of new variety on the soil took about some months. In any case it was taken not more a year from the moment of computer model creation for optimized genome till the moment of the obtained living plants examination in accordance with planned features.
Dozen thousands experts, worked in plant optimizing industry, during a year of work could deliver the dozen thousands of new varieties to the world market of all known agricultural plants. So imposing steam of new plants varieties brought considerable uncertainty in the future of agricultural business, threatened with being without job for millions of agricultural manufactures. There was a real risk for optimized inherited material ingress into biosphere and its further fortuitous invasion into genomes of those plants and organisms, which were not assumed to be subject for any improvement. Just such anxiety became the main limiting factor for mass implementation of optimized plants. Just therefore each new variety was exposed to prolonged and careful researches. In the general case there was the situation when the science could cardinally change the plant cultivation in agriculture, but had to restrain its possibilities because of reasonable apprehensions concerning the uncontrolled of optimized genetic material spread.
Such problems appeared also in such spheres where there were used the optimized by natural genes yeasts, fungi, microorganisms. At first instance it was concerned the process, food and pharmaceutical branches of industry.
Simultaneously with improving process of already known agricultural plants in scientific establishments of many countries, there was implemented the process of designing by means of "computer selection" technologies not any more new useful plants but new species of plants, possessed of useful numerous features. These works predetermined soon serious changes in world agricultural industry. The designing of new plants species was a lot more difficult work, then the creation of new varieties because of it required mutual coordination for genetic texts fragments of different earth flora species. For usability there were developed general flowcharts "genes group (gene) - feature" for all explored plants. Dozen thousands of flowcharts were reduced to a unitary standards all information, being received by different sciences. To create the new plants species with prescribed features it was required to select the genes groups, responsible for these features, and to coordinate them inter se as well as with inherited material of base plant. The apparent simplicity of designing principle for new species practically turned into the most complicated problem for genetic engineering, cytology and programming, as however any innovative work, inasmuch as required the account of thousands earlier unknown interrelations and factors.
Different floras on our planet and million years of natural selection led to that plants occupied the ecological existence niches in wide range of temperature, humidity, illumination and chemical agents concentrations. That's why it was quite really the creation of new plants species in the near future, which could to fructify and be in progress in any climatic region of the Earth, excluding may be Antarctica and Far North.
The problem-solving process, related to animal genome optimization, developed enough interesting. If at the beginning of the century it was seemed that the main purpose of animals genome optimization was the human want satisfaction in food, clothes, medicaments, then later just a decade the problem became to look otherwise. Farm animals turning into single-purpose biological machines for manufacturing of food stuff and pharmaceuticals, which was technologically feasible and real, was lay over without day.
At bottom of this decision it was put the ethical and practical considerations. The genetics fantastic possibilities came in collision with ethics and moral of human society. Protected by healthy conservatism the mankind moral values determined the weighted and careful attitude to the revolutionary changes in any human life activity sphere. The intervention in genotype of animals, especially mammals, touched upon the fully formed system of moral values, devaluated in the eyes of community the human being himself. Moreover the considerable part of Earth population regarded the human being as the work of God.
In addition there was a known hazard of optimized hereditary material ingress into genotypes of other animals kinds with possible negative consequences. Some more annoying part of experimentations with animals was the necessity to do away with numerous failed samples, many of which could be successfully used in horror films. The numerous arguments, called for caution, formed the public opinion, which was expressed in old Russian proverb "Measure thrice and cut once".
Simultaneously the new conception arose, which in the near term could lead to problem solving for optimization of animals genome for human being wants satisfaction without prejudice to traditional moral and ethics. It was consisted in food staffs perfection. The final cause, according to new conception, was taken to be the receiving of new, had been no earlier, food stuffs, on the ground of optimized and artificial plants and microorganisms. There was set a problem before scientists to replace animal food (first of all, certainly, the meat) for plant products. At the same time it was automatically interposed a veto for new product type degradation. Such conception provided a powerful impetus for sciences, concerned with plants study. Some of maritime states had created national research programs, oriented to study and optimization of sea organisms, including fish. The optimization experiments for fish genome turned out to be that compromise between the possibilities of science and engineering, on the one hand, and moral and ethics requirements on the other. The financial capital and scientific potential, temporarily had laid aside the questions of farm livestock optimization, switched to financing and execution of study for sea organisms genetic material.
In the whole the further problem solving of human society nutrition from the position of new conception was seen through the genome optimization and improving of human organism itself, at first by natural genes and then by artificial. The human being, having an optimized genome, as it was seemed, will be satisfied with less food volume and use food with higher performance index. Later on it was presumed that categories food and energy will more and more grow apart.
The contemporary human being needs in more protein quantity for his organism construction and upkeep. The energy demands of human being organism traditionally are covered by means of fats and carbohydrates. The nutrition for the improving human being of the future will be turned to the same wants satisfaction, in other words for upkeep of his own body structure under up state and for energy receiving to ensure the metabolism. At that necessary energy may be received thanks to processing of new energy agents, new energy food stuffs, and it is possible that supply of protein will be replaced by supply of amino acids, which will be in unconjugated form in such food stuffs.
The practical application of knowledge about implementation arrangements for hereditary information promoted the solution of many medicine problems. By the end of the second decade it became possible by new medicines of individual and narrow directional effect to cure the majority of known hereditary diseases directly in human organism. There were not produced the medicine preparations for some hereditary diseases because of these diseases rare manifestations. In many cases economics had the last word, inasmuch as costs for researches and development of new medicines didn't lead to the following payback of expired costs because of sluggish demand for these medicines.
In the past decades there was obtained the extensive experience of practical correction for defective genes directly in human organism cells. The first experiments often finished by rejection of new preparations, used for correction and cure of defective genes.
2. Computer-modeled new materials
The technology of computer designing of new substances were developed in many single existing models (levels of common space of virtual modeling), used in genetics, pharmacy, catalytic chemistry and other sciences. For combination of all worked experience within the framework of one technology the computer facilities in hundred millions teraflop and standard software allowing to work with different data basis a number of which were formed on the basis of specialized and local programs, were required.
Technological decisions used by producing volume micro schemes, particularly application of catalytic and absorption matrixes for creation of materials with set properties began to be widely applied in different industry branches. The notion "materials with set properties" itself was very capacious in its content. It includes both highly purified chemical elements and compounds, and materials with complex structure, taken on their basis. Functional organic tissues, production of which by methods of molecular assembly was the matter of coming decades, were also determined by this notion. Various combinations of requirements to materials with set properties defined complexity of their space structure, chemical composition, purity of the applied chemical elements and compounds and also the technological nuances. Against a background of number of such tasks, production of "computer" substance was not very difficult task, but was not also very easy. By production of a number of materials with set properties more complicated technologies than by production of "computer" substance, were used. And on the contrary, some materials with set properties could be received quickly and in big quantities.
Scientists and technologists paid attention to improvement and development of new ceramic materials. Perspective was both getting pure ceramic powder for further baking and production of ready-made parts and half-finished material. Interest to ceramics was explained by big variety of ceramic materials (metal ceramics, glass ceramics, polymer ceramics, etc ), wide diapason of their chemical-physics properties and, correspondently, wide sphere of application. One of the leading directions was production of ceramic conductors, possessing above conductivity at room temperature.
It was possible to get such properties by means of ordering the inner structure of ceramic materials, introduction of additional calculated chemical compounds and providing the definite purity of the components, etc. Another trend was production of ceramics with set properties for their application as constructional materials in machinery-building, aviation, space machinery-building and military science. Big variety of ceramic materials having different combinations of physics-mechanical properties was required for these industry branches. Such properties were ultimate heat resistance, wear life, chemical inertness, hardness, plasticity, durability and many others. Another main customer of special ceramics was the medicine. For medicine demands the durable and biologically inert materials for implantation, teeth and bones substitutes and also the constructional materials for artificial organs compatible with mechanical and cybernetic devices were required. Methods of industrial producing the molecular hydrogen were eagerly working our by the scientists of many countries that was explained by the fact that it was risk of depletion of renewable energetic resources. The most perspective was an approach realized in nature as the first stage of photosynthesis that was decomposition of water molecules under sun energy. The most perspective on this way was creation of artificial catalysts able to decompose water molecules using the ambient energy. By the end of the decade the researches had the first successes. Studying the mechanisms of natural photo catalysts reactions, known as photosynthesis reactions, favor producing tens of structural different photosensibilizers – substances repeated the first stage of photosynthesis, namely performing water decomposition on molecular hydrogen and oxygen. Their appliance in laboratory facilities made possible to perform photocatalyst water decomposition in conditions of natural day lightening. Separate samples of photosensibilizers had high resistance and did not require the renewal during two or three weeks. High efficiency coefficient of artificial photocatalytist systems of water decomposition, calculated as relation of burn heating of received hydrogen to the value of used sun energy. In some cases this coefficient reached fifteen percent that was a very high result and allowed the transition to industrial production of molecular hydrogen.
The working out of improved photocatalysts having in general view the results of computer modeling and constructing was intensively realizing. Made on calculated principles, these chemical compounds effected decomposition of water on the basis of non existed in nature photochemical reactions. Invention of effective artificial photocatalysts for producing hydrogen out of water demanded many complicated calculations and this process was very laborious. At the end of the decade a qualitative leap in technologies of computer designing took place that led to making the whole series of effective photocatalysts. Artificial chemical compounds were represented as complex molecules with developed space structure which maximal effective influenced the detachment of hydrogen atom from water molecular. Detachment effect was based on creation around hydrogen atom the local space with calculated arrangement of electronic density and on usage of photons energy. New photocatalysts possessed the high efficiency coefficient of only some percents that was not enough, but they had also considerable advantages such as inertness to the most chemical compounds, duration, and possibility of usage the energy of low energetic photons (red light). Further development of such photocatalysts had good perspectives for production of industrial quantities of hydrogen in cold seasons and also in morning and evening hours when sun light looses its intensiveness and highenergetic component.
3. Green energy
In the process of scientific and technical achievements of the last years, the raw-material base of the world energetic altered its structure and displaced in side of molecular hydrogen application. Photocatalyst method of producing the molecular hydrogen out of water had one more important positive aspect except the known ecologic advantage (product of hydrogen combustion in oxygen was water). By application of newly received hydrogen combustible waste of sun energy saved in hydrogen molecules and accumulated and extracted into atmosphere in real time.
The appliance of such energy resources as gas, fuel, coil, peat led to extraction of heat energy accumulated for millions years ago into atmosphere that destructed the existed heat balance of the earth. In such a way, mass usage of hydrogen in energetic excluded additional heating of atmosphere as it was in case of using natural energetic carries and led only to insignificant rearrangement of sun energy in space and time.
Hydrogen application in energetic was in general justified from the point of view of ecology. But there were also some negative aspects, one of which was inevitable pollution of atmosphere with oxides of nitrogen, as a result of usage as oxidizing substance not pure oxygen but non-prepared air. For this problem solving it was required to work out additional systems of supply the hydrogen energetic installations with purified oxygen. It, in its turn, required the working out of new and development of already existed membrane technologies.
Besides it was required to work out and create many new machines, mechanisms and technologies, solve the safety problems by storage, transportation and usage of hydrogen fuel. It can not be said, that they were nor researched subjects and trends. Works on transition the transport, aviation and energetic were performed. Appearance of possibility to produce cheap hydrogen accelerated these researches and works. In short terms the scientists offered some new technologies of hydrogen storage. As the basic one the technology of hydrogen storage in intermolecular spaces of chemical compounds was taken. For this purpose both natural zeolites undergone improvement and new spongy materials of molecular assembly were used. The above mentioned materials were chemically neutral in relation to hydrogen and at the same time were some kinds of vessel obstructing the spontaneous outlet of light gas into atmosphere. Also for hydrogen storage as being chemically compound the alloys on the basis of lanthanum, titanium, nickel and some other metals were used.
The most perspective happened to be storage of hydrogen in nanotubes out of carbon, the space structure of which was modified by the compounds of lanthanum, titanium, nickel and some other metals. Such technology made possible to storage the molecular hydrogen under pressure inside the carbon nanotubes having inside parameters comparable with the ones of hydrogen molecules. By this, it was harmoniously combined both the mechanical holding of hydrogen molecules and their chemical compounding. Such an original method of gas storage allowed to accumulate the hydrogen in special collectors with density being hundreds hold less than gas density in liquid phase. Besides it turned to be not very difficult the method of gas extraction out of collectors of new generation based on ultrasonic or electromagnet influence.
Parallel occurred the development of hydrogen fuel elements, making the energy of hydrogen combustion directly into electrical energy. Samples of every-day devices with power of twenty-five kW and efficiency up to eighty-five percent appeared to be sold.
In such a way, during the only one decade of human history all perspectives for transition the world energetic on hydrogen fuel and also for mass usage in technologies of many production lines had appeared. The principle difficulties of production and storage of inflammable gases were overcome. Rework and improvement of photocatalysts, equipment and servicing infrastructure predetermined soon improvement of ecological state of the whole earth and also the improvement of existence conditions of earth civilization. The intense and at the same time interesting work guaranteed to all participants of scientific-technical progress.
Robot technique has intensively developed. High interest from the side of publicity to the first domestic robots promoted the inflow of financial and staff resources into robot technique and near branches. This led to quick perfection of the produced items, inclusive the domestic robots. Technical evolution of domestic robots was conducted in two directions. The first one of them was creation of effective and perfect housekeeper able to perform the most different household functions. Appearance of these mobile robots was identified by their functional destination and could be of various shapes.
Such mechanical helpers provided with power processor and flexible software were able to do some work about the house which was not difficult, namely vacuum- and furniture clean, gather things, dust, put out the rubbish, open and close the doors and the windows and control safety inside the house. Progenitors of such universal domestic helpers were classical robots, which were electro-mechanical devices intended for fulfilling not complicated functions (some operations).
The progenitors of the second trend in development of domestic robots were computers. Evolution of every-day computer led to appearance of secretary-robot. The particular thing of secretary-robot was the fact that in process of its functioning it did not require executed mechanisms. Secretary-robot was of intellectual weight on providing the human needs. For example, having studied the habits, tastes and preferences of the definite person it could selectively take from television, computer network, electronic libraries and other sources information the definite human was interested in and prepare it in form of a report. Besides, it could send and get correspondence, speak on the phone, talk with visitors, play with children, go shopping and make payments. General shape of this not moving device was like a personal computer shape of which was chosen according to the owner's desire. As a matter of fact, that was an evolutionary product of traditional computers equipped with numerous controllers and connected with many informational networks.
Production of micro robots was distinguished in separate trend. Their mass production was oriented on consumption by different industry branches. The most developed mini robots from micro ones worked at molecular assembling of materials with set properties. Micro robots of bigger sizes were used for controlling and repair of pipelines, reactors in energetic, chemical and pharmacological industry. The first experiments of micro robots using in medicine for investigation and surgical operations with human body were conducted. The separate trend was development and production of mini robots for military and special purposes. More than forty various types of micro robots were designed for the purpose of arming and military technique of the enemy disablement. In their number the robots with such exotic functions as screening of transmitting and receiving antennas, chocking of guns during battles, creation of decoys, delivery of corrosion catalysts to the key units of enemy's weaponry, etc.
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