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Rating of influencers contributing to global Health: Metabook Trade Union of influencers

Edward Musinski: “I want to help you to gain momentum and open all your potential. My goal is to create a network of geniuses able to lead the emerging tech progress. See what I predicted in the Ssummer 2019”. Quote from article GLOBAL CRISIS AND TRILLION $ OPPORTUNITIES. Thanks to Сoronavirus #healthtech is evolving rapidly. Physicians there say the AI-based software, has helped overworked staff screen patients and prioritize those likely to have the virus. We in Metabook and Lifetime Award are doing Rating of influencers contributing to global Health: Consciousness influencers invited to vote for Top healthspan innovations. Metabook Trade Union of influencers,created in this connection, is to share the opportunities with members and their followers, The outcomes from LifetimeAward NFT collection will be shared with healthtech innovators and active contributors. REGISTER TO WAITLIST ON About Metabook;