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Mental strategies to become unshakeable. Telewellness expert+blogger platform is to scale success

Mental strategy #1 from influencers: Create an alter ego. The joy triggers: look around the outside to get the steps one needed to take to achieve goals. “You can figure everything out if you just spend enough time and break it down into its simplest component parts." She popularized beautifully photographed cookbooks and manuals for living well, Emmy-winning TV show. Meet the woman who's successfully re-invented herself over and over and over again. You have to continue to methodically build our brand, brick by brick.” Graham Duncan on being a time billionaire. Sex idea tip: Anne-Laure Le Cunff publishes neuroscience-based content to help people become more productive and creative. This is an absolutely fascinating podcast episode in which Le Cunff explains the importance of engaging in "idea sex." "A healthier way to think about creativity is to realize that all creativity is combinational in nature, and any idea you had was probably a result of two ideas that had sex together to give you that one."